Share Your Story- Susie Q’s Kids Remembrance Beads/Story Starter Key Chains Show your support, our remembrance beads -story starter key chains enable us to place comfort bags in the hands of a child. Place your beads on your purse, bag, backpack, shirt, whatever...
MISHRM Conference in Grand Rapids- Stop By Our Booth Susie Q’s Kids will be in attendance at the MISHRM State Conference in Grand Rapids Oct 13-15th. Stop by our booth to learn about our team engagement and community social giving programs helping kids in need....
UD Mercy Nonprofit Day Oct 30, 2021 -Susie Q’s Kids Will Be Attending A great chance to network with my peers and learn from the best at UD Mercy. Thank you Derrin Leppek, Director of Social Entrepreneurship for arranging another nonprofit day. Find out...
Susie Q’s Kids Understands the Importance of a Teddy Bear Susie Q’s Kids provides comfort bags to kids in need. We partnered with other nonprofits giving them comfort bags for distribution to kids in need within their programs: kids in hospitals, shelters,...
American Foundation Suicide Prevention – Susie Q’s Kids partner to run Kids Zones Stop by one of the Out of the Darkness walks and say hello, share your story, and listen to Dr, Mary’s message of hope and healing, Find out more about our outreach:...