Dr. Mary joined April tribe Giauque’s Beacon of Light Podcast. Have you lost a loved one? Do the Holidays bring you memories of your loved ones that can hurt and cause you pain? Do you want to know how to turn those memories into joy? Join me tonight at 6:30 pm...
Dr. Mary Welsh enjoyed the mentorship of Ms. Diane Gulyas through the American Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Mentor-Mentee program. They offered a program of mentorship, peer relationships and events, and wonderful programming for those new to the fundraising...
Dr. Mary Welsh Joins the Barb Smith Conference Speakers and Vendors to share hope and healing for those increasing suicide prevention awareness and for those dealing with the effects of suicide loss.
Susie Q’s Kids has received generous donations of handmade blankets from local non-profit Project Linus. The kids loved them, so soft, colorful, and warm. Jill Campbell, of Macomb Township, the coordinator of the Macomb County Chapter of Project Linus, said...
Sandy Mals from The Good Egg Foundation honored Susie Q’s Kids with a grant and set of four full sets of their book collection. SOme lucky kids will enjoy these donations. Thank you!
[pdf-embedder url=”https://susieqskids.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Mary-Welsh-Faculty-Speaker-Series-8.5-x-11-in.pdf” title=”Mary Welsh Faculty Speaker Series (8.5 x 11 in)”] Dr. Mary Welsh shared the positive impact of her nonprofit Susie...