Monica Hamlett (Mona Lizza), Dusty Welsh, Dr Mary Welsh, and guests talked about the upcoming Mompreneur Event of the Year and the Entrepreneurial event and entertainment that would be available that day to encourage women to excel and succeed.
Susie Q’s Kids presents at the AFSP Ferndale event. The Susie Q’s Kids team and volunteers staff the children’s tent and activities for the kids along with sharing their messages of hope and healing with the walk participants. Dr Mary offers...
Susie Q’s Kids President Dr Mary Welsh volunteered for a day f fun with their community service agency Utica Kiwanis Club. IA fun time was had by all. Making a difference in the ability to furthered the discussion on suicide awareness and prevention.
Susie Q’s Kids presents at the AFSP Ann Arbor event. The Susie Q’s Kids team and volunteers staff the children’s tent and activities for the kids along with sharing their messages of hope and healing with the walk participants. Dr Mary offers...
Susie Q’s Kids presents at the AFSP Downriver event. The Susie Q’s Kids team and volunteers staff the children’s tent and activities for the kids along with sharing their messages of hope and healing with the walk participants. Dr Mary offers...
Fox47 Morning Blend Interview in Lansing Michigan included Mompreneur of the Year Dr Mary Welsh and Dadpreneur of the Year Able Grabble. Talk show hosts Bob Hoffman and Deb Hart interviewed Dr Mary to learn more about her program for providing comfort bags and for...