Thank You For a Father’s Selfless Love Joe, when we married, we were both fortunate to gain the love and support of our kids, parents, and extended family members. Susie wanted you to legally adopt her 31, she loved you so much and recognized the selfless love...
Pinpoints of Light Childhood & Sexual Abuse Conference supports Dr Mary Welsh and Susie Q’s Kids April Tribe Giaugue and these courageous women told their stories of trauma and healing. I was honored to present alongside them about my healing journey. These...
CARE of Southeast Michigan Welcome Comfort Bags from Susie Q’s Kids Susie Q’s Kids was pleased to supply CARE of Southeast Michigan with comfort bags containing much-needed socks hygiene items, dental hygiene items, blankets, bears, and activity items. We...
Macomb Nonprofit Roundtable – IN PERSON Dr. Mary Welsh networked with her peers and shared the mission of Susie Q’s Kids to provide comfort bags to kids in need in the community.