Project Linus Supports Susie Q’s Kids with Warm Blankets for Kids – Thank You! A very big “Thank You” to Jill from Project Linus Macomb for the donation of many blankets that will go out along with our comfort bag and stuffed animal. ...
Global Top 10 Finalists visit Neway Works sharing how their messages of hope and healing can aid others. Good luck ladies. Vote for Dr. Mary Welsh, Journey into the Looking Glass: FInding Hope After the Loss of Loved Ones Author Elite Awards, page two, select her...
Courageous Creative Conquerors – Watch the Interview with Dr. Mary Welsh Jean Voice Dart has a following of Courageous Creative Conquerors, watch her interview of Dr. Mary Welsh to YouTube link to video: Find out more about our...
Cherish the memories of those you love, here is a shout out to my mom, one of my biggest supporters Mom, thanks for the love, support, and guidance you selflessly provided. You were one of my biggest cheerleaders, thank you for encouraging me to write and tell our...
Susie Q’s Kids Selected as a 2021 Great Nonprofit Check out out our page here and write a review. Together we can share our mission to provide comfort bags to kids in need in our community. Susie Q’s Kids helps businesses engage their employees and provide...