A few stories about Susie

Susie received a copy of a Hip Hop coloring book and laughed at my expense, “Mom, Eminem never looked like that, never will, but it has to be the best picture of him, with a lot of laughter”

We went to the theater to see several comedians, the comedian stopped and looked to the rafter where we were as Susie was still laughing. He said, “Wow, this is going to be easier than I thought”

Susie would spend months at a time in the hospital. She got a hall pass to roam the hospital grounds, she loved the walks outside, eating in the fresh air, and getting to know the gift store personnel. She loved to shop, and family members have mementos they treasure that she bought them.

Susie was excited to go to Vegas with her sister and friends as their friend Miss Michigan was competing for Miss USA. It wasn’t until the return trip home that she told her sister that she thought she broke her foot. No trips to urgent care or ER could stop her good time that trip. Yep, the foot was broken.

Laughter would erupt at any time. I would inquire and she would tell the story of being sick on the couch when her Uncle Jim was exiting the house with a full plate of food. Unbeknown to him, someone shut the door wall. As the food, splattered all over him from head to toe, he looked to see if anyone witnessed it. He was met with ripples of laughter at the time and for years to come.

On a get-well cruise we planned for two years and took just before she passed, she rode the jetskis ripping across the Caribbean waters with her laughter echoing across the waves. What a glorious sound.

Life was challenging but she always smiled and laughed, helped others, and looked for the good in every situation. She understood the value of a teddy bear to cuddle, I still have her favorite lap blanket to keep me cozy and warm, she knew the value and therapeutic benefits of coloring, and she always offered a shoulder or ear to those grieving or hurt that needed some tender loving care.

Susie Q’s Kids is an extension of her life on earth, her soul still looking to care for others and to ensure her family and friends place their focus on helping others, doing good in the community, and practicing self-care as life is too short to stress the small stuff.

Susie Loved her family and life, here are a few pictures to share her thirst for life.