Memory Beads – A Positive Way to Share a Grief Story


Dr. Mary joined April tribe Giauque’s Beacon of Light Podcast. Have you lost a loved one? Do the Holidays bring you memories of your loved ones that can hurt and cause you pain?  Do you want to know how to turn those memories into joy?
Join me tonight at 6:30 pm with Mary Welsh, and discover how you can help the memories of your loved ones to bring joy and smiles to all during the holidays!
Memories are those precious moments from the past of times we shared with others and cherished. They are the foundation of new and old traditions where we try to recreate those feelings of love, peace, hope, happiness, laughter, encouragement, accomplishments, and moments of sadness for what was and for true giving. #pinpointsoflight #outofdarkness #grief #happy #joy #story